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AutoMag Module

AutoMag Module

AutoMag is an optional extension for ModelVision and enables rapid magnetic depth-to-basement source estimation and fast processing of large surveys. AutoMag uses the full precision of original line data to increase the data accuracy of the inversion. ModelVision provides an interactive supervisory environment for quality control, editing and verification of the solutions.


Supervised Automation for Improved Quality and Efficiency

AutoMag bridges the gap between automated depth to magnetic source methods and pure interactive modelling and improves the quality and efficiency of depth to magnetic source calculations. It operates on a profile basis and is tightly integrated into the ModelVision modelling environment. Profiles can be analysed using original flight line data or traverses selected on gridded data. Large aeromagnetic surveys can be efficiently processed in batch mode using the recent addition of automated strike correction and dynamic filtering of solutions.

Based on a Refined Version of the Naudy Method

AutoMag is based on a refined version of the Naudy dipping tabular body inversion method which provides quality geological information for depth, magnetic susceptibility, thickness and dip. An innovative strike azimuth estimator has added the ability to automate corrections for geological units that cross the flight lines at an acute angle. This method out performs other automated methods because it uses a realistic geological model for steeply dipping, semi-linear magnetic rocks such as volcanics, ironstone formations and dykes.


Solutions produced by AutoMag can be converted directly into ModelVision 3D models, displayed as annotated symbols in map views or exported for use in other applications.

Read the AutoMag Technical Sheet for more detail.

Mapping depth, trend and dip with AutoMag
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