ModelVision software, Research and Services
Videos & Tutorials
We have created YouTube tutorial videos for some of the latest features in ModelVision. Click on the images below to view them.
The ModelVision installation includes tutorial data sets, and there are documented instructions for each tutorial in the ModelVision Tutorials PDF (14.9MB).
If you find your ModelVision installation is missing the Tutorial Data, you can download the ZIP file (43MB) containing this data (total 57.6MB) via this link: ModelVision Tutorial Data
A new plugin tool released in ModelVision 17.0 allows the comparison of model results and rock property
measurements overlain on a range of standard rock
property charts.
The magnetic field components, Bx, By and Bz are visualised in 3D vector form to show the relationship between target depth and vector convergence. The components are derived by Fourier Transformation processing of a total magnetic intensity grid.
Rapid Depth Estimation with QuickDepth
QuickDepth applies artificial intelligence principles to the estimation of depth, magnetic properties and geological style from magnetic data.
ModelVision 15.0 calculates the normalised source strength (NSS) parameters in forward and inverse modelling. There is also a new grid filter to calculate NSS from a total magnetic intensity grid.
Use ModelVision to perform an inversion of gravity data over a sedimentary inversion using depth and position constraints.
An optional module for ModelVision, AutoMag provides rapid magnetic depth-to-basement source estimation, bridging the gap between automated depth to magnetic source methods and pure interactive modelling.
Target Wizard
ModelVision has a Target Wizard that packages many interpretation processes into a few simple steps.
Normalised source strength